Saturday, January 30, 2010

Inspiring & Amazing EGM 01/02

Although I got thesis to rush, many assignments, FYP lab, tests and XX planning at this period, suppose to be at lab or at room to do all these stuffs today; if not, I might be at orphanage home doing volunteering work. Yet, I chose to stay my whole day at arked Meranti, 2nd floor, just to witness the power of youths, who keen so much for self-learning and developing others, at the same time, hoping to make great impact on society.

“We are Change Agents.”

I believe in Hope in this reality world. From my view, everyone possesses a pure heart since they were born. Although it may be contaminated along the way, but the nature deepest inside everyone’s heart, is pure. Do you actually believe there are people who actually care about our environment? Who care about world peace? In AIESEC, there are number of students more than what you have expected, care about these. We want to be a better human, we want a better world.

16 vice presidency and Local committee presidency candidates were participated in this “Votes of Confidence” stage of election. They want a change, in themselves as well as the society. It really needs huge courage to run for this election. From the opening speech, Q&A, until closing speech, it was not solely about election, I sensed the sincerity, maturity and growth of them. Gaining votes and trust from the plenary is one thing; what really matters was the intense experience throughout the whole day. The process catalyzed their growths into a better person in a single day.

This EGM, or maybe I should say every EGM touched me a lot. It is a platform for every youth to step closer to their dreams, to achieve what they want. It gives a turning point for everyone to change the current life or a ladder for those who climbed in half way, to reach a higher place. That’s why I love AIESEC. Energetic, positive, open-minded, inspiring... these are some common characteristics in AIESECers.

I know my attachment to this organization will go on and on.
No matter where or who am I.


Maybe people around me do not understand why final year student still want to involve in so many activities and organizations. I just want to fully utilize my few months left in campus to do what I wish to do. You may be a normal student, but I want to be a special student who has an extraordinary life. You may disagree my way, but please don’t try to criticize my decision.

I know what I want, what to achieve, what is my purpose of life.

How about you?

If you can’t answer it, then you’ve no right to deny my way.

Don't do something because you have to do it; BUT, Do because you wish and know why you do it.

Thursday, January 28, 2010




我坚决自己没错,不是因为自大,目中无人。而是,我相信自己有下心思努力去做,应该给予肯定。如果 FYP的意义在于有没有 Result,试验成功与否,那我对本地大学的教育制度除了失望,还感到难过。




一次又一次,我想了很多不同的方法,却都没有被重视过,只听到笑声,接着说“不需要那么做”。常常觉得很泄气,却又不知道能做什么。像是个小组组长,我得带头去做很多事,安排时间, 计划大大小小的步骤,硬着头皮去跟不同的人借东西,连不同意supervisor说法的时候,都是我负责唱反调。就因为我够勇敢。殊不知我的压力像山一般高,不明白怎么都是我去承担这些事。就连supervisor人事问题都要学生去承担后果,可笑吧?!

亲爱的教授们,如果你们真的敢质疑我的能力,不让我毕业,我会跟你们拼了>.< 。